Issue 056

| Year 14

Cover of Issue 056

ISBN-10: 1949077462

ISBN-13: 978-1949077469

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The nights are getting longer, which means it’s time for Luna Station’s annual theme issue! This time out, for our sixth and (for the moment) final installment in the series, we celebrate horses (and unicorns) and their place in speculative fiction.

The women in these stories, young and old alike, are tuned in to the secrets of these sometimes magical, sometimes mundane, but always special creatures.

These are stories of the past and future, of soldiers and assassins, of carousel horses, transmutation, the angel of death and a herd of wild mustangs under the light of the full moon. And you thought horse stories would be one dimensional!

We’ve done our part. Now it’s up to you, to allow yourself to be changed by these female fronted wonder tales. Go ahead, take some time for yourself. You know you want to.

Cover art

The cover art for this issue is "Maiden and Unicorn" by Domenichino. See more of their work at their website.

Table of Contents